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Q.U.E.E.N.S., Inc.
Qualifying Undisputed Existence, Excellence, and Noble Standards
Board of Advisors
Qualifying Undisputed Existence, Excellence, & Noble Standards is a program for female adolescents that focus on the use of community leaders, program counselors, and college volunteers to interact with young ladies to strengthen their decision making, reading, and value clarification skills. QUEENS was established in June, 1994 with 7 young ladies at the tender age of 12.
What started out as after-school play time grew into a city-wide program. Our potential is limitless. Young ladies are accepted into the program by recommendations from participants, school counselors, parents, and other organizations. Adult sponsorship is required. We are fortunate to have served over 250 young ladies over the years without a single case of teenage pregnancy. Approximately 150 college volunteers have served our program and most stay in constant contact with the program director after graduation.
Melissa C. Worthy
Atlanta, GA
Ebony Riggins
Washington, D.C.
Nayita Wilson
New Orleans, LA
Dr. Kareema Sullivan
Atlanta, GA
Ingrid Sibley
Houston, TX
Dr. Keedra M. Sales
El Curito, CA
Sabrina C. Butler
Austin, TX

P. Alexis surrounded by former debutantes
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